Slingshot Space Mob Collection | Overview

February 08, 2022

WMJ, Quinn, and the entire Space Mob crew aren't going anywhere anytime soon, except maybe to the moon to investigate some other worldly beings. Slingshot and Space Mob have continued their collaboration for another year, and are bringing us some more great gear for the 2023 season. Lets take a look at some new additions to the lineup, as well as some of the changes they made to the recurring gear.

The Coalition

Slingshot labels this board as the “Gold Standard” of wakeboarding. The Coalition was the first board in the industry to feature Chined Rails. What are Chined Rails? Glad you asked. A wakeboard that has chined rails simply means that the toe and heel edge of the wakeboard are raised up 4-5mm. While this might not be ideal for edging hard into a wake behind the boat, they are perfect for riding at the cable park. The chined rails allow you to effortlessly slide over bumpy terrain, as well as help you master the art of buttering. Introduced 2022, the Coalition is now available in a 141cm to a 161cm, and to accommodate that extra length Slingshot has added a 5th binding insert to give you plenty of options when mounting your boots.

The Space Melter - 165

Space Mob has always been about riding boards with a unique shape, and taking influence from other board sports. For 2023 they introduced the Space Melter, which has been welcomed with open arms. The Melter features a unique shape that rides similarly to a snowboard and flexes really well on rails, making nose and tail presses a dream. Now you can get a unique and distinct board without having to go the directional route, this board is perfectly symmetrical and a blast to ride at the park. 

Space Mob Boots

The Slingshot Space Mob boots have become some of the most popular and beloved boots on the market, and for good reason. Introduced in 2022 the Space Mobs have since featured an upgraded removable walkable liner that has been beefed up to be even more durable. They did this by using stronger material and upgraded stitching techniques to create a boot that can withstand even the rockiest of shores. Don’t worry, the removable tongue and gummy strap closure system didn’t go anywhere.

We cannot confirm nor deny that our Slingshot gear was delivered by U.F.O., but we can assure you that the Space Mob gear will elevate your riding to new heights...similar to the altitude that a U.F.O. flies...probably.